Sunday 4 September 2011

Could We buy travel insurance directly from insurance company?

Chartis Travel Insurance Adsense
As I was reading a thread in a Chinese forum today, someone is complaining life insurance agents are earning big fat salary paycheck but why don't he can't sign up an insurance himself without going to the agent and save him some money on the premiums.

Yes,my friend, I have doing some little research.Apparently, Chartis Malaysia (formerly known as AIA) has setting up a direct distribution channel which is

Chartis Direct Malaysia
well,they have catered for 6 products at the moment and i believed this is quite straight forward and simple products as i believe this is more easier to make understand to consumers.

From marketing perspective, i am not really quite sure anyone will click onto the advertisement when they are reading website or blog. My little suggestion to Chartis is how about add this magical quote onto your advertisement. "15% discount that buy from us directly" . Is it sound better that increase the possibility that people click on your static ad?

Yellow Fever Party 黄潮夜宴

Yellow Fever Party 
As I driving past this Teratai T-Junction, this caught my attention.OMG, What? Yellow Fever Party? They encouraged all participants to wear in yellow and give big prize for the most outstanding outfit and definitely must in YELLOW lar...

seems All of a sudden, YELLOW this color has become so "hit" in Malaysia.. haha


 you could know more from our YB in the following link..


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cherro penang spa and rejuvenation specialist

Saturday 3 September 2011

Singapore Certis Cisco's recruiting Malaysian young teens to become Auxiliary Police

Certis Cisco Advertisement
Name: Certis Cisco
Product: To recruit Young Malaysian to become Singapore Auxiliary Police
Place:A popular student magazine among Malaysian Chinese readers
Age ranged : 10- 25 year old

Comments: I was browsing books in kinokuniya bookstore in KLCC. And this little magazine advertisement caught my attention. Wow, Singapore Government is luring our  young talents to their country to serve as a auxiliary police.

let us see what are the requirements and benefits
Certis Cisco benefits and salary
1) Age must be 18 and above
2) Qualification must be SPM and Above ( at least three subjects scored C & Above)
3) For Male, height must be at least 162cm, weight at least 54kg
4) For Female, height must be at least 157cm, and weight at least 45kg

5)No mental or physical illness
6)No criminal records

Benefits: Singapore Dollars SGD2400 per month, Yearly about SGD 28,800, And exchange rate at SGD/MYR= 2.47 which is almost RM71,136 per year.

wow, with mere SPM at entry level job, you could earn about RM71,136 a year in Singapore as compare to a degree holder irregardless local or overseas grad, starting pay in Malaysia like those MNC is just about RM2200- RM2800, yearly only about RM30,000.

In Singapore, in dollar terms, you could easily earn double what we earn in Malaysia.

Justin Bieber fever burn onto your flat 贾斯汀·比伯无孔不入,可以放过我们吗

Justin Bieber is everywhere even onto the flat =="
Name: Proactiv
Product:  pimple,scar and oily skin solution
Spotted on: A flat in Pandan Jaya, Kuala Lumpur

Comments: Quite surprise when I see this advertisement, the advertiser is really smart to collaborate with the flat's joint management body to lay this super huge poster onto their flat. As this area is really a heavy traffic congested area, while waiting the traffic light to turn green, every driver has nothing to do but forced to eying onto this poster. I believe sometimes it could be a win win situation with the Flat's joint management body could earn some money to balance the budget and advertiser could save great deal of cash as compared to advertise on a billboard in this super-jam MRR2 inter-change junction here.

is the website url with phone number true?
When the website address is , a big question signal pop into my mind, is it true? which i have never seen before. so i try to key in the url, which actually divert to this website ( which is the official proactiv Malaysia website). Again, the advertiser is quite well-planned, he or she knew that driver may not possible to capture the whole url address but put it in number format which eventually lead user to their end official website.

Add caption

apparently, target users of proactiv is young teenagers in Malaysia but whether it works or not , I don't have the sales data with me, but for me it is quite successful to a certain degree coz at least it managed to catch my attention already.